Growth is the result of focused and sustained effort and energy. This applies to both personal growth and to business growth.
Growth itself is of course not a specific service on offer here. What I can offer is professional expertise and support in areas which are critical to the achievement of growth.
To me, STRATEGY and CHANGE belong in the critical “engaging growth mix” together with quality leadership, employee engagement, talent management and coaching.
The key to a successful strategy is ownership at all levels of your organization. Excellent strategic planning, clear and precise definition of 3 to 5 year strategic intents leading to qualitatively and quantitatively well defined goals are essential for a successful team or business unit.
A vision without a clear and specific strategy is simply wishful thinking.
A powerful vision, combined with a foundational mission statement and a clear, well formulated strategy which your employees can own is a winning package.
Motivation of collaborators can be substantially enhanced by ensuring clarity here, especially if the collaborators are involved in breaking down the strategy into “smart” goals which they then own and are responsible for achieving.
We have the experience and methodology to support you here.
No business, no team, no organization is static. The dynamics of change are always present. This can be managed as an opportunity.
Adapting to the competitive landscape, ensuring internal moves to support talent growth, redefining roles and responsibilities, reporting lines, or competency profiles, optimizing paths of communication, are examples of factors that demand a dynamic approach to build and maintain the engagement of everyone in your organization.
Together we design effective approaches to facilitate your change journey.